Fri, Jul 14th 2023 08:26

LRMD's Expedition Across Lake Haliwaki

After devoting two weeks to managing and guiding search parties in an effort to find their missing "bosses" the franchise decided it was time to give up and get back to work. Majordomo Wynnemore determined that they had let the business stall to long already and she didn't want her company owners to return to a defunct franchise. She ordered the Intern and Sub=employees to begin an expedition to try and find new territory to expand into.   The franchise expended 200gp and acquired a small rowboat before setting out across Lake Haliwaki. Once on the other side they found a village called Plumefall, it was hard to miss with all of the smokestacks in the small village billowing out black smoke. The village was quickly established after the five ruling families of gnomes had arrived via the port of Isondale as refugees from their former land.   LRMD now has a trading opportunity established with the village of Plumefall, a village of inventor gnomes.