Sat, Jun 3rd 2023 02:14   Edited on Sat, Jun 3rd 2023 02:15

Mason's Downtime (3 Jun 2023)

Mason writes two letters, sending one to his wife with some money and items. The other letter he sends to an Artificer school in the Ebony isles via his wife in Isondale. Mason also attempts to build a wagon; however, he struggles tremendously with cutting, and fixing the wooden parts for the wagon together. As well, the heat from the sun bearing down on him in the field he found to work in was adding additional stress while he worked. Mason did manage to find a shade tree, which helped a little, but it didn't decrease the heat a lot. Mason longed to have a workshop like he once had access to at his home in Isondale. At one point he even tried using mend to assist with the build, and it did help with some small items, it did not help with the larger pieces. Maybe he can setup a workshop in the new building they acquired last week, he thinks.