Sat, May 18th 2024 09:12

Another Letter for FIP

Hello my dear Fip, I fear I have bad news for you and our family. I am well but your father is not well. If you have not heard yet he was removed from the council because of accusations that he mis-used funds to help repair your new manor that you acquired. This was a true fact as we have kept it a secret that we have been struggling to stay above the waters lately and have had to sell the family manor just to stay afloat.   Your father was so prideful that he made me to swear not to tell you about any of this. He didn't want you to know and he had, unknown to me, begun stealing money from the city coffers and using it along with numerous loans to pay for our own housing, food, etc. and your new manor. The final trial ended a couple days before i received your latest letter and the final verdict was that your father would permanently lose his seat on the council.   I have been permitted to retain my family seat and we are well now. We have a small cottage on the outskirts of the city.   We are well and ok son, it would seem that over the last few days less and less of the plagued creatures, and such have appeared and so it would seem that the plague has been defeated which is great news. Your manor is safe and sound. We were able to avoid selling it as our own manor was sufficient.