Sat, Apr 29th 2023 04:22

Mason Goes Home

Mason is gonna fly back home to visit his wife, alternating between walk when my wings are tired and using my boots of flying when able. Created a Alchemy Jar for water and other liquids. Just gonna eat the rations he already has and will replenish them when at home. Once there I'll tell her everything thats happened and about the group I'm with and do my husband duties while there. Also giving her as much information I have on each member. Talk to Arlo about Acq. Inc and what he might know about them and also give him 40gp to buy me a keg of gunpowder for a invention I'm thinking of building. But overall spend as much time as possible with Amelia.   -------------- Mason checks his gear and prepares for the journey home to see his wife, Amelia. He knew the trip was going to take about 2 and a half days there and the same amount of time back, so he only had two days to spend with her. But to Mason, that was enough. Any chance to see her was well worth the travel he mused to himself. He prepared his alchemy jug to make fresh water, and then checked his rations. "Looks like I'll need to buy some before I leave."   Walking down to the tavern bar from his room, he speaks to the pretty bar maid, Emerson. "I'd like to buy two days rations please." She nods with a smile and goes to gather them up. "It's smart that you came to me first, the shop keeper is charging three times what they usually do for rations. What with the deer and all going missing." She brings it over to you and says, "That will be two gold pieces please." Mason frowns but gives her the money. "Thanks Emerson, see you later."   Mason tells his companions goodbye and heads towards Isondale. For the first part of the journey, it's rather uneventful. You make camp for the night but get little sleep. The animals don't come to your camp, but they seem agitated, on edge. You get up the next morning and feel groggy.   Along the path, you find some beautiful flowers and pick them for Amelia, making a little bouquet for her. You're lost in thought at how much she will love them, that you don't see the snake until it bites your palm. Dropping the flowers, you stumble back, holding your hand to your chest. You only saw the snake for a moment, not long enough to determine what kind of snake it was. Cussing the snake, you pick up the bouquet, and continue to walk down the path. Your hand is swollen and sore by the time you make camp on the end of the second day. You've been feeling nauseous all day as the venom from the snake works it's way in your system. By the time your camp is made and you sit beside the fire, you feel like you're about to pass out. You vomit on yourself just before you pass out from exhaustion.   The next morning you wake up to the crack of thunder. It's storming and the rain is pounding against your face. It's a terrible day to be traveling on foot.   Finally making it to your home, you walk in but the house is empty. Amelia is not there. The fire in the hearth is still burning, so she must not be too far away you think. Changing into dry clothes, you find a vase to put your flowers in. They were beat up a little, not quite as pretty as when they were picked, but she will love them still. Amelia finds asleep on the bed, and greets you with a kiss...then a somewhat playful slap on the cheek. "You have been gone a long time Mason. I was beginning to think you ran off with another lady." she teases him. They share some intimate time and then they both fall asleep for the rest of the night.   Today is your first full day in Isondale. You and Amelia share a nice breakfast where you tell her what you can recall of your travels and missions this far. You tell her a little bit about the group you are traveling with and that you are now part of a messaging service. She's interested and listens and tells you what has happened to her while you have been away. She does wish you were coming home soon to stay and tries to convince you in to staying home for good this time. After breakfast, she asks you to help her around the house with some chores she needs done, so you oblige to keep her happy and help maintain the house. You both enjoy each other's company while you're there that first day.   The second full day there, you track down Arlo, finding him after about an hour. You both talk about this and that before you inquire about Acq. Inc. Arlo is able to tell you that he knows the local chapter is out of the sewers of Isondale, but they are hard to find. He isn't sure, but he thinks that the actual organization itself is from another plane, but that's only rumors he has heard and isn't certain. He tells you that they are a weird group of people, they are activists for protecting the wildlife of the city....spiders, rats, squirrels, roaches.... Arlo's final bit of info is more suspicion than fact: "I think they may actually be a criminal organization." You take in all the information, telling him about the stuff your group has done with and for them.   You ask Arlo about the gunpowder, and Arlo is curious as to what you are making. "Let me hold on to the gold, and I'll see what I can come up with. I'm just the shipper, remember? But it won't be before you leave to go back to Dewbreak." You leave the gold with Arlo and head back to your home.   The rest of the day is spent with Amelia, finishing some chores, catching up, and just spending time with her. She tells you she found the flowers and they are lovely. Amelia tells you, again, she wishes you would stay with her and is not happy that you have to leave in the morning. In the morning, she kisses you goodbye and hands you a small basket of food. It's just enough, barely, to get you back to Dewbreak. You both shed a few tears as you say goodbye.   The next two and a half days of travel are fairly uneventful but it downpours the first two days. You are cold, miserable, and unable to start a fire. You get very little sleep that first night, but manage to find a small cliff under a rock to shelter in on the second night to sleep. The last little bit of trip the rain lets off. You see what looks like hunters on horseback carrying a few antlers and skins towards Arborwich Forest. You give a friendly wave, but they just grunt at you and ride faster. Mason finally makes it back to Dewbreak and goes to bed.