Sun, Sep 8th 2024 12:32

Monkey Shades Of Blue

Scree walks down the roads of Frandyln, admiring the shops and their many people. She is bored, everyone else is off doing their own thing, and she doesn't want to spend her time in the tavern. Whistling to herself, Mimicat sleeping on her shoulder, she has wandered into the more questionable area of this part of town. As if suddenly realizing where she was, Scree stops whistling and looks around. The people here are not dressed quite as nicely as the others. The shops are not quite as well kept either. She puts the back of her hand to her nose as a putrid smell rides the air in her direction. The smell makes her queasy, and it stings her eyes. A moment later, a lady walks past her. The smell at that moment was nearly enough to make Scree empty the contents of her stomach. Looking in the lady's direction, she noticed the lady's hair for the first time. Beautiful blue with black tips. Grabbing a cloth to cover her nose, she catches up to the lady and inquiries about her hair. That is when she tells Scree of The Smoking Vial and Pinto LeFort. Following the directions she was given, she finds the shop and has to stop to catch her breath. The smell here is much stronger than what came from the lady. Tying the cloth around her nose and mouth, Scree reaches for the doorknob. The tinkling of the bell as she opens the door gets the attention of the strangest person Scree has ever seen. A pudgy elf with cropped hair and piercing eyes. He wore a leather apron over old clothes, both the clothing he wore and himself were covered in dye stains.   “Hello there! I’m Pinto, welcome to The Smoking Vial.” He notices Scree’s face covering and nods in acknowledgement. “I am sorry about the smell. Such is the nature of my work these days.” She looks around his shop, and despite the smell, the place is pristine. Old stains of color surround a wash bin set on a table, but that was the extent of the mess. “What can I do for you?” he smiles and reaches out his hand in an offering of greeting.   “I saw a woman with beautiful hair, odd coloring...she told me about this place. I was curious and wanted to know more about your work.” Scree’s eyes were beginning to water and she wondered if she would be able to stay much longer. “Oh yes, Syrene! I just finished her hair. You liked it yes?” He smiles, very friendly like and reaches for a dish of cookies behind his counter. He offers one to Scree who politely declines. Pinto grabs two cookies, stacks them, and begins to eat them quickly. “Sorry, my work keeps me busy, and I don’t always have time to eat lunch. “   Scree smiles at him and asks “ dye hair. Ever dye someone covered head to toe in hair?” It was then that Pinto really gave Scree a look over. He runs a cookie crumb hand through his hair, thinking to himself for a moment. “Well, I usually charge 5gp per customer. Seeing as you are many customers in one, but you are quite small...” he thinks a little longer, humming in thought. “Let’s make it an even 20gp and we have a deal. Well, that and the cost of materials of course.”   Scree nods, figuring it wouldn’t be cheap. “So how does this process work?” She looks at the wash bin, its frothy blue substance emitting the bad smell. “Well, that will depend on what colors you want. Certain things produce certain colors. Some are more difficult than others. You have an advantage because you already have white fur.” He steps closer to her and reaches out to examine her fur then stops. “May I?” he inquires. Scree nods and lets him look at her fur. “Ah, this will take the dyes just fine. Soak it up it will. And I reckon, as long as you dont bathe every day, it would last quite a while.” He smiles, a bit of pep in his step as he is about to make another sell.   “What would it take for blue.. Maybe a few shades of blue that blend subtly?” Pinto presses his hands together. “That’s going to be expensive. The only thing that makes beautiful blue hues are Nyart’s. Evil pesky leech creatures. I have a friend who hunts them for the nobles around here. He brings them to me to use in my shop from time to time. I don’t have them in stock often so they cost a pretty bit.” Scree frowns and asks “How many will you need for my request and how much will it cost?” Moving back behind the counter, Pinto leans on his forearms and thinks. “I think that 10 Nyart’s should be enough... and each one usually costs 75gp. Usually one is enough for a normal head of hair.” His previously chipper attitude dims somewhat, figuring he was about to loose a sale.   Scree nods, frowning some herself as she didn’t want to pay that much. “Wait!” Pinto exlaims and moves from the counter in her direction. “I’ll make you a deal. The reason why it smells so bad in here is because part of the process involves animal pee. I must use the ammonia from it to help set the dye into the hair. If you get me enough to dye your fur, then I will only charge you 48gp for each Nyart...How’s that?”   Scree bites her lip, not too fond of the idea of gathering animal urine. It sounded gross and messy. Figuring she could put her druid abilities to good use for this task she sighed and nods. “Ok, deal.” She reached out her hand to shake his in confirmation of their verbal agreement. Pinto smiles, his earlier excitement present once again. “And how much do you need? A bucket...two?” Scree asked, once again looking back at the wash basin propped up on the table. “Oh no... not for all that fur...” Pinto ushers her to a door in the back, leading her to a small stable outside the shop. A horse looks up from drinking the water in a rather large trough. “You will need to fill this.” He points to the trough, smiling cheekily at her.   Scree’s eyes grow wide, both Pinto and the horse seem to snicker at her unease. “That’s a LOT of pee!” she protests. “Ah, but a deal is a deal!” Pinto smiles at her. “We shook on it, remember?” The Hadozzee groans, debating making a run for it but her integrity wouldn’t allow her to budge. “Fine...I’ll be back with the....required ingredient.” Scree nearly vomits into her mouth. “I’ll work on emptying the trough of water and as you get it, just put it in the trough. It will age as you gather that much which will make for a better dye. “ He hands her two buckets and smiles. “Well, you best be off. This is going to take a while.” Scree groans again and leaves to start the process of asking random animals for their pee.   Over the next three days Scree uses animal handling and speak with animals to acquire 100 gallons of animal urine. This task proved to be gross, stinky work. Some animals, having smelled her, were less inclined and would nip or kick at her making the process harder. By the end of the third day she had finally filled the trough. Pinto had the Nyart concoction ready when she completed her work. “Just smear this where you dont want the dye.” He handed Scree a vial of animal fat. She smeared it on her face, palms, and soles of her feet. “Now...since you have fur on your entire body, this is going to be a bit tricky. Normally my clients have to soak their hair for one hour...I doubt you could hold your breath that long so I have a hose you can breathe through.” Scree, having accepted her fate on day two of urine gathering, sighed. “I have a magic item that will allow me to breathe under water....liquids.. “ she feels sick at the thought. “I can breathe under there.”   Pinto smiles wide, knowing she’s struggling with her choices. “Well... lets get you in and I’ll let you know when the hour is up.” Scree lowers herself into the trough, willing herself not to throw up. She looks at Pinto, who is now struggling to hold in a laugh, narrows her eyes at him, and submerges herself in the urine she spent the past few days collecting. Little bits of Nyart float just under the urines surface, the entire concoction burning the corners of her tightly shut eyes. After the hour is done, Pinto ushers her into another nearby trough, this one filled with clean water and essence of flowers. Rinsing out her fur, Scree is thankful for the scent of something else.   “There, all done.” Pinto hands her a towel and she covers herself, drying her fur. The method was terrible but the dye did its job beautifully. “It worked!” Scree said happily. Pinto takes her into the shop, showing her the full length mirror. “It did indeed work. I’m quite happy with my work here.” Pinto smiles at her. “I felt bad for you, hair normally carries the odor for a day or so, but I knew with a body of fur it would take even longer. I made this for you.” He hands her a jar of opaque lotion. “If you rub this into your fur every few hours for the next day, it should help to set the dye and get rid of any lingering scent. It’s on the house since you got the urine for me. I just hate doing that part!”   Scree thanks him, gets dressed and pays Pinto the 500gp she owed him. Scurrying to the place the group was staying, she wild shapes into a small mouse and runs to her room so she isnt seen. Thankfully, the dye would not stay when she shifted so there would be no questions of a blue mouse in case she was spotted. Once Scree got into her room, she transformed to her normal self and locked the door. There she stayed for one more day, applying the cream that Pinto had given her. By the morning of the sixth day, she was almost urine-smelling free. Scree went down to the tavern and paid for a very large mug of Honey mead....and a cookie.