Thu, Feb 2nd 2023 06:17   Edited on Wed, Feb 8th 2023 10:22

Fip's Search for Dragon Parts Buyer

After finishing up a meeting with his newfound company, Fip goes looking for someone to sell some dragon parts to. Fip goes out to the marketplace with a dragon gizzard and a draconis fundamentum in his bag. Fip had seen his father dealing with rare magical components before and knows it is not easy to do and can require a little bit of funds to find the right person. Fip goes and talks with a general goods seller first and after offering him 1gp for information he learns that this person does not know anything and isn’t very helpful. Next Fip talks to a blacksmith about what he might know. Once again, offering 1gp for information did not give him any leads. Fip was getting a little frustrated, so he tried going to a shop he remembered his father worked with back on a trip to Dewbreak called the wizard's hat. Fip talked with the shop owner, a plum looking halfling named Yenbin Nimblemeadow.   After exchanging pleasantries, they get down to business. Fip once again offers him 1gp for information on who might be willing to buy these dragon parts. Nimblemeadow tells Fip to try a fruit vendor down the street. Fip happily runs down the street to the fruit vendor and tries to do the sale right away. The poor fruit vendor looks confused. Fip slips him 1gp hoping this will show him that he means business.   The fruit vendor happily takes the money and tells Fip that he only deals with fruit. Fip is disappointed and returns to the wizard's hat and tells them that the fruit vendo0r does not know anything. Fip offers him another 1gp for more information on another lead. This time the shop owner said he knew for sure that the potter on the opposite end of town might know a guy. Fip flies to the other end of town to talk with the potter.   After offering the potter 1gp, the potter's eyes get big. He says he knows a carpenter that might know something. Fip then talks to the carpenter that gladly takes Fip's 1gp and says that the chandler he knows might know something. Fip gets a little frustrated that he has had to talk to so many people but goes and talks to the chandler. Fip walks in and offers the chandler 1gp for information on who might be willing to buy these items.   The chandler with a wide smile says for 4gp he will give him even more important information. Fip quickly pulls out 4gp and puts it on the table. The chandler picks it up and tells Fip that next time he wants to sell something that might be very valuable, he needs to offer people more than just 1gp or they will not take him seriously and will send him on a wild goose chance like he bets Fip has been on all day. Fip feels defeated and drops to the ground almost ready to cry. The chandler tells Fip to get back up, keep going, and do not be stupid about who you ask. Fip leaves the shop and flies straight back to the wizard's hat again. This time Fip walks right up to Nimblemeadow and tells him that he made a fool of a Goldscale for the last time.   Fip was not leaving the store until he got a straight answer. To show that he was ready to get down to real business he dropped 10gp on the counter. Nimblemeadow looked him in the eyes and said it looked like you were ready to talk for real. He asked to look at the items and Fip showed the organs to Nimblemeadow. He thought about it for a minute and then looked through a few books. He told Fip that if he really wanted to get these sold, he needed to talk with Perras Highdancer and tell him that Nimblemeadow sent him. He will be in the tavern drinking at this time of day. Ask the barkeep for a Vuloo special and give it to a halfling with an eye patch and a raven on his shoulder.   Fip went to the tavern and asked the barkeep for a Vuloo special. He was given two pints of fine mead, 4 shots of rum, and 2 legs of chicken. Fip asked how much for it and was told 5gp. Fip went and found Perras Highdancer drinking alone. He was just as described a halfling with an eye patch and a raven on his shoulder. Fip sat down at the table with the tray of drinks and food and said that Nimblemeadow told me to talk to you. He smiled big and said pleasure before business is my policy. They both partake in the Vuloo special. Fip was happy he had not been drinking anything earlier today because those drinks hit him hard and fast after running and flying around town all day. Perras said after the meal to meet him at his shop later that night and they would do business then. Fip left and later that night traveled to Perras shop to talk about real business.   DM’s Response   A chime rings out as you enter this shop, but no bell hangs near the door. It seems you triggered an alarm spell. “With you in a moment!” A gruff voice calls out from behind a curtained doorway, followed by the sound of pottery breaking and profuse cursing. Odds and ends fill the shop—armor, weapons, tools, furniture, musical instruments, clothing—all of it used.   Perras calls out, “It is just me and a guest, Borgis, we are going to go have a chat in my workshop”. After an acknowledgement from Borgis, Perras guides you to his workshop.   Inside, full of light, you see a workshop that seems to be wreathed in chaos as the tables are covered in various bits and bobs that don’t seem to have any theme to them. On the wall by a small forge and kiln hang both the maker’s tools and the tools made. At a carpentry bench, a crate of miters and planes sits in a pile of sawdust. There is a leatherwork table and several trash bins. Buckets of solutions, clean and dirty water, and ash. This is a place of tools used to make tools, with a craftsman who knows how every one of them works.   Once you have both found your seats Perras begins, “You are fortunate that I know who you are, as my patron has told me of you. These items are valuable, though not as valuable as some of the other things I have handled before. I can give you 500 gold for those items if you are interested in parting with them”.   Fip eyes Perras cautiously and makes a mental note concerning what was stated about a patron. “Seriously, I am bringing you dragon organs that were recovered after we managed to, no less, slay a dragon and all you can offer me is 250 gold coins for each of them? I am certain you can be motivated to provide us with better compensation for such rare items”.   After additional bargaining back and forth both sides can come to an agreement of a payment of 1,080 gold pieces and the promise to establish a relationship to provide fencing services when they are required.