Fri, Jul 14th 2023 09:05

4th Letter from Home for Fip

Letter arrived on 3 Fleurgreen.   Fip, my darling we have not received a letter from you in ten days, and I am getting very concerned. You have been so regular with your letters that I am even more worried that you have not contacted us. I learned just today that over the past ten days your Franchise has been conducting searches for your party of adventurers.   They told us that you left to go to a carnival that had recently arrived, and after the carnival left, but you and your friends did not return the begun searching for you.   I am sending this in hopes that you are all well and you will get this eventually, but we don’t have high hopes. Your father insists that we put you to rest but I know better. I know that there is still a chance that you might be out there somewhere. It has only been ten days after all.   Please contact us soon Fip. We are all worried about you. The searches for you ended a few days ago.