Fri, Jul 14th 2023 08:59

3rd Letter from Home for Fip

Letter below arrived 20 Yurthgreen.   You have been very busy, it would seem my son, and I am very proud of you for all you do. This new fellow that “appeared” as you say seems strange, and you said he is arrogant, so maybe he is compensating, I don’t know. As always, be careful my child, I worry for you more every day.   The fellow I mentioned that had the strange fungus attached to him passed away yesterday. I still have no idea what the origin of the fungus was, but no one else seems to have been affected. We buried him in the normal way and have moved on.   Father has been very busy lately and so I have not seen him very often. He leaves early and comes back late missing our normal meals. Apparently, he is getting pulled into a project in which the Kingdom is helping to resettle these gnomes that came from across the ocean. There is talk of giving a few tribes access to land in Mordredia, Isondale, and the Onyx Isles.