Tue, Nov 28th 2023 11:09   Edited on Tue, Nov 28th 2023 11:09

Fip's Sixth Letter from Home

Son, I appreciate your promises, and I believe you are sincere, but it is still no comfort for me. Your stories are always so interesting and entertaining though. I occasionally send out servants to check on your home out in the woods and I recently had to repair the main door because someone, or something busted the door down. The door has since been repaired, and there was nothing of note otherwise.   As well, the illness that has been a problem lately that is caused by that fungus has definitely been found in our food stores. More individuals are becoming infected and dying every day. We have had 40 cases this month so far, and 5 deaths. We have not been able to find a cure. We have heard rumors that cases have begun appearing in Isondale as well. It does not appear that cold, heat, or other forms of extreme weather can kill the spores, unfortunately.   Other than those things it has been a fairly normal few weeks. Your father did ask about you the other day, he knows that I get the letters and seemed curious as to how you were doing. He did not say much else though once I told him about your latest adventure.   Your Mother.
Tue, Nov 28th 2023 11:09

You receive this in the middle of the downtime week.