Thu, Aug 10th 2023 03:00

Fips and Raesh Travel

1 Holmswelt 200   It takes both Fip and Raesh a full eight hours to travel to the portal in the forest that is west of Dewbreak, not to mention the deep woodlands they have to transverse to get there. As they travel, they stay close to lake Haliwaki so they can collect and boil water to ensure they don't become dehydrated. Once there they opt to take a rest overnight before proceeding into the portal as they cannot be sure what they might encounter on the other side.     2 Holmswelt   Once they cross through the portal the following morning, they find an eerily quiet home and do not see any sign of the gelatinous cube in the vicinity. The home entry way is very disheveled and dirty covered with leaves, and other forms of debris. There is also mud around the doorway itself with some humanoid boot prints in the mud. Fip and Raesh exit the building using the ajar doorway and make sure to close it behind themselves as they leave the building.   They spend the next several hours traveling to Frandlynn through the thick forest that surrounds the fey city.     3 Holmswelt   Fip and Raesh spend their first day in the city with Avne Goldtongue learning about all that has happened in their absence and providing the letter to his friend that he wishes to be delivered to his parents. Fip learns that all the major cities have now allowed the refugee gnomes from across the sea to establish small districts for them to live in and a mysterious fungus has been causing a very minor "disease-like" outbreak in the forest of Arborwich.     4 Holmswelt   Today Fip and Raesh relax at the Lily Café having tea and similar treats while they wait to see if they might get a visit from Fip’s mother. After several hours of waiting patiently a very lovely faery enters the café and walks over to Fip offering him a light hug and takes a seat. Vitea smiles and offers Fip the traditional greetings and cautions him to be careful about visiting Frandylnn. She explains that while he has recently saved a handful of daughters of noble families, his father has yet to forgive him.   Palos Goldscale has, in the past month, issued restrictions on what business Fip and those that are members of his party and franchise are allowed to do in Frandylnn. The restrictions consist of a 10% extra tax on any form of business conducted in the city, and they will not be allowed to obtain any magical based services.   When Fip inquiries about the disease and his encounters with it, his mother can confirm they all seem to be connected but they know nothing about it, or its origin yet. It has presently only affected the orcs, and a handful of fey in the forest as best as they know.   Fip’s mother offers to coordinate getting new locates setup on the home they obtained which she will have installed after he has left for Dewbreak. She explains that she will have it done as an endeavor of her own, and not reveal it is associated with him.   5 Holmswelt   On the way to the campsite, they found the dead body of a wolf that had similar fungi and scales like the orcs they encountered previously. Fip and Raesh cautiously burn the body from a distance and continue to the house. Once there they camp outside of the home overnight.   6 Holmswelt   Fip and Raesh use this day to clean out the house, or at least make sure there are no remaining creatures in the home. After several hours they can confirm that there are no further hostile creatures residing in the home. They assume that vandals eliminated the cube, and any other wondering creatures as there is obvious evidence that vandals have entered the home since they left it abandoned.   7 Holmswelt   Used portal and traveled back to Dewbreak this day.