Tue, Feb 21st 2023 01:42   Edited on Tue, Feb 21st 2023 01:44

Fip's Potions and Scrolls

After being almost betrayed by my companions and being forced to give up a tooth I have decided I would do what any rational person would do, get drink and make gifts for those people.   Day 1 –Early in the morning, I leave my companions to go to the wizard's hat to buy some supplies for this week of hard work and drinking. I talk to Yenbin Nimblemeadow about the trouble the last adventure had and how I am still not happy over the lost tooth. Yenbin listens to the story and asks if all I came to do today was talk. “I see you want to get down to real business today. Very well, I plan to make you a rich man today. Despite being upset at with my companions I want to offer each of them a gift. You see we do not really have anyone in our group that is greatly skilled at healing. Yes a few of us know a spell or two but no one is really skilled. When I was at Strixhaven I learned how to make scrolls and potions. We are taking a week off of adventuring so I am going to make some scrolls and potions to help keep everyone safe. I know you helped me out a lot the other week with finding the right guy to sell off those dragon parts so I decided to come straight to you to get the supplies I need to make some scrolls and potions.” Yenbin looks back at Fip and says, “I am surprised you are willing to help them out so much after they took your tooth like that. I tell you what, I will be happy to help you with the supplies as long as you keep coming back for more business. So how much do you want?” Fip looks excited and tells him all the supplies that will be needed. Yenbin is quite surprised by the amount that was needed. They haggle a little over the cost and come to an agreement. Fip hurries off to start work at the day has already started and he needs many hours of work before he can go drinking tonight. Fip returns to the cart and tells those that are around that he is not to be disturbed for the next 8 hours while I work on a major project for the company. The rest of the morning and all afternoon Fip sets up his alchemy supplies and starts making the first healing potion. Around 7pm that evening Fip finishes his first potion and goes to the tavern. Once he arrives at the tavern he asks for the special menu. Fip looks over the drink options and decides he will spend the evening drinking 4 Chilled bolts and has a nice dinner there using some of the money he was given in repayment for giving up the tooth. Fip walks out a little tipsy but overall okay. It is not like this is his first time drinking heavy after a long day of work.   Day 2 – Today Fip has a little of a later start. After a night of drinking, Fip does not get up until 9am. Fip thinks to himself that he might want to cut back tonight a little. After a bit waking up, Fip gets to work on making his second potion. This one took him a little longer to make then the last due to the previous night’s drinking but he manages to get it together after 9 hours of work. Again around 7pm Fip walks over to the tavern to have dinner and order 2 tomato riddles. He decides they are not as good as the chilled bolts from the night before but at least he is not as cold walking home as the night before.   Day 3 – Starting up much more refreshed today, Fip gets up at 6am and wastes no time making his 3rd potion of the week. This one goes much better and after 8 hours of brewing it is ready for use. It is only 3pm and a little too early for the nights drinking he finds Nomag and chats a little about how his week is going. He returns to the tavern at 5pm that night and tries 3 wicked riddles. He is unsure of the after taste but enjoys every minute of the buzz.   Day 4 – Today is another early start with another 6am wake-up. Fip was ready to finish making his final potion for the week. By 3pm he is finished and looks for someone to talk to before going for his drinks tonight. Fip runs into Temperance who scolds him drinking so much when the money could be put to better use. After a few hours of this Fip gets tire of this and goes back to the tavern. Today he decides to try 3 of their Flower Nectar. It is light and fruity.   Day 5 – Fip gets up once again at 6am to get started on his new project. He packs back up the alchemy stuff and starts writing scrolls. It takes him a while to get everything put back up and to set up for scroll writing so it was not until 8am before he gets starting. It has been a few months since the last time he wrote a scroll so the first one took 9 hours of work to finish. At 5pm, the first scroll was finished and Fip headed towards the bar. He looks at this money to see how much he had spent already and decided to cut back on the drinking to 2 drinks a night so he had enough to get through the week. Tonight was another night of drinking wicked riddles. Again the aftertaste is odd but the buzz is nice.   Day 6 – Fip gets a later start today with an 8am wake up. Writing scrolls took more out of him the day before then he remembered it took from back in school. Once again he makes another scroll to help the group with. This one was much easier and Fip finishes at 5pm and returns to the tavern. Tonight is another night of flower nectar. Fip is really starting to enjoy the taste of this sweet drink.   Day 7 – Fip gets up and running at 7am today to finish a long week of drinking and creation. Final scroll is done by 4pm today and decided that the night would start early with the final 2 chilled bolts of the week. After dinner and drinks Fip returns to the cart and prepares to go on his next mission and pass out his new items to the group to help keep everyone alive because he does not want to see another companion die before his eyes.     UNDER DM'S RESPONSE:   You roll out of bed, mostly in a good mood but your mouth is a bit sore. Every time you nudge the area with your tongue it causes you to wince. Not only that, but it also causes you to be frustrated with your companions just a little bit more. The plan didn’t totally go as you had hoped, but in the end, it got the job done.   You go to see Yenbin and he seems helpful, although a bit bored of your long-winded story. He’s ready to sell if you’re ready to buy. He starts to gather the materials you need as you continue to talk about school, healing and other things that he started to tune out while he focused on filling his arms. He sets the products on the counter and after you both discuss the pricing; he watches you walk out the door.   The first potion that you create turned out just like it should. You reward yourself with a well-deserved relaxing evening. Happy with your progress this far, and wanting to numb the sore gums, you purchase a drink called Chilled Bolt and some food. The drink takes the edge off and leaves you with a cool feeling on the inside. You like this drink a lot and end up ordering three more before the night is done.   The next morning it is harder for you to get up. You open your eyes, the room spins a bit, and you decide to close them just a little bit longer. There’s a loud noise outside the window and it startles you awake. You overslept and have a bit of a hangover from the drink last night, but you have work to do so you try and push through. After gathering your materials, you get to work. The hangover from the Chilled Bolts has left you thirsty and you messily take a drink. With wet hands you grab one of the vials and get to work. A little while later you finish the potion just as the day before and you excitedly slam your fist on the table. The potion bottle topples from the table and smashes onto the ground before you can even react to what happened.   The next two potions you are more careful with when you create them. The days are much the same as the two before. You engage in some conversations occasionally and you try out new drinks at the tavern. Now that you have finished making the potions, you plan to start on the scrolls tomorrow.   The first scroll is created perfectly, a little rusty from lack of practice but otherwise it looked nice. You continue to do your evening routine of food and new drinks, enjoying the flavors each drink has. The second scroll is a bit easier for you to create. You were able to recall the steps more quickly. The last day sees your final scroll successfully made. You have another craving for some Chilled Bolts and so you go back to the tavern and order dinner and drinks. While you were enjoying your meal and people watching, Yenbin walks up to your table with two drinks in hand. “Hey Fip, mind if I join you? I brought you another round.” He said with a bit of hesitation in his voice. You invite him to sit and take the drink offered. “Listen Fip..About that ink I sold you. I didn’t realize that the ink I had left was from my rare supply. We were talking about this and that and I grabbed the vial from the left basket and not the right basket. I asked around but I guess I was the only one who had any of that in stock.” Yenbin pauses long enough to take a drink and wipe his mouth. “A wizard came by looking to buy what I had and got mad when I realized the mistake. He asked me who I sold it to, and I gave him your name, I know...I shouldn’t have done that. It just slipped...Then he stormed out. I didn’t get his name.” Yenbin stands up and sighs heavily. “I’m really sorry man.” He quickly leaves the tavern. A bit buzzed from the drink, tired from the week of creating items, and not totally sure –what- just happened, you watch him leave. A moment later your thoughts catch up and you say out loud “So does this mean the wizard is mad at me now?”