Fri, Oct 27th 2023 08:41

Fip Entertains

Fip has decided to spend his week singing at the Golden Wolf. For 5 days Fip offers to sing in the evening for the entertainment of the patrons of the tavern. Fip tells Zalorin Appleace that before adventuring, he would sing for balls back in Frandyln. Fip uses the “bottle of wine” that he got from the carnival to create background harp music and sings a quick fey sing to show Zalorin that he is skilled at singing. Then they agree on a pay rate for providing live entertainment for the tavern over the next 5 days. Each evening for 1 hour, Fip uses his bottle to create background music and sings for the patrons. He opens up with a song he knows well and sings out to the best of his skill. Then after the opening song he asks for requests and sings any requests that he knows. Between sings he takes a sip of either a mug of ale or “flower nectar” to wet his whistle. Once again it is no fey wine but boy is it sweet and tasty.