Fri, Sep 6th 2024 01:54

Severus Goes Out to Schmooze Riverhaven and Frandyln

Severus Snake decides to do some Schmoozing in Riverhaven and Frandyln for the franchise. Severus Snake's efforts in Riverhaven earned allowed them to make contact with Luther Anvilson (GM NPCs pg. 162) who is a local blacksmith and tinkerer. He has agreed to do repair work for the franchise as at 90% discount and was so enamored with Sev that he has agreed to aid in spreading the name of the franchise and speak favor of them during town meetings. During Severus' time in Frandlyn he met Lady Corrila Larenhale (GM NPCs pg. 66) who is a cousin to Trithaea, who is the head of the House Trithaea on the Autumn Court. She has promised to provide a direct connection to the ruling court and allow the franchise to establish a post in her estate for the purpose of extending their reach. Will also be willing to seek out the adventurers when she needs certain "side quests" completed and will pay handsomely.