Thu, Aug 3rd 2023 05:51   Edited on Thu, Aug 3rd 2023 05:52

Mason Visits Wife

Mason's Trip to Isondale:   1 Holmswelt 200   Mason travels 8 hours south from Dewbreak on his way to Isondale to spend some time with his spouse after having been gone for over a month. After about an hour and half Mason arrives at Zamova where he takes a half hour rest before continuing along the longest stretch of the road south. Mason flies using his boots for another two and half hours before having to allow his wings to take over his flight. Mason spends another 6 hours traveling south before establishing a camp not too far from the road on the east side of the Trister river.   2 Holmswelt   Mason wakes up the following morning to a light rain and noises coming from the direction of the road that he had been following on his way to Isondale. After a brief investigation of the roadway, he sees a small group of halflings headed in the direction of Dewbreak and returns to his campsite. Mason spends a couple hours preparing for his day of travel and then departs. Mason uses his wings for the first couple hours to allow his boots to recharge fully. He then begins using his boots for the next four hours of travel. As Mason switches back to his wings he spots a dark blot in the sky in the direction of the now setting sun. The Tiefling quickly realizes that dark blot is getting larger very fast and moments before he barely avoids the sharp talons, he realizes it is a large reptilian like creature with a wingspan of 30'. Mason turns about midair and launches a bolt of lightning at the creature with his armor weapon hitting the flying reptile square in the head. After Mason takes a second shot hitting the raptor with his lightning launcher, he prepares for the next attack. The reptile, seemingly barely phased by the jolt of lightning dives at Mason again, probably looking for an easy meal.   The flying creature misses on the next dive flying past Mason, as Mason races across the sky and take two more shots at the reptile hitting on the second blast of energy doing enough damage to chase the creature away. Having traveled just short of the halfway point on this day Mason decides to stop for an overnight rest as he notes the sun is quickly dipping below the distant horizon.   3 Holmswelt   Mason opts to use his wings for this day of travel allowing his boots to fully recover before attempting to use them. He travels 10 miles, over an eight-hour period with no significant events on this day. With only about 10 miles left to his trip he chooses to push through the night so that way he only arrives half a day later than originally planned thanks to his slower flight speed when using his natural wings.   4 Holmswelt   Mason spends this day with his wife, and also meeting with his father-in-law Arlo. Arlo uses this time to explain how the banks of the land work, and what Mason needs to do if he wishes to acquire credit vouchers from the banks of the Aragothian Federation of Banks. Arlo explains to Mason that he, and his franchise should join the federation to ensure they have access to banking facilities, and similar options while doing business in the land. He also informs Mason that the membership fee is 150 gold coins to begin with.   Mason's wife Amelia begrudgingly accepts the offer to travel back to Dewbreak with him, but not without requesting he use his bag of holding to bring back a few extra luxury items and foods to aid in her comfort on the trip. She also makes him hire a horse drawn wagon for the trip as she refuses to fly there. Arlo sends a guard to keep Amelia safe, however Mason will need to cover half of the cost per month for this.   7 Holmswelt.   Upon arrival in Dewbreak Amelia finds a small home and insists that you cover the costs of rent and such as she expects you to provide her with some minimal comforts while she is in Dewbreak. Amelia covers the first month (Holmswelt). While Amelia was searching for the house, she overheard rumors of people going missing. Some people said several people, while others said it was only one. She didn't inquire about the disappearances because she didn't know anyone here but it did peek her curiosity...and her concern.
Thu, Aug 3rd 2023 05:52

Arlo/Ameilia covered the month of Holmswelt for expenses fully.