Aasimar Species in Aragothia | World Anvil
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Aasimars represent an interesting presence inside of Aragothia. They are a force for good, worshipping a patron that helps to focus their energies. Creating a throughline between dimensions causing rippples between dimensions. As we live our lives without interevtion, Aasimar are a race of good that are rarely ever not part of an organization that revolves around help. Paladins, clerical institutions, information gatherers, undead hunters. All of these attract Aasimar as possible employment.    Aasimar can be many things, usually powerful and managerial positions. They are usually obvious, sometimes with a shiny glow about them. With resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, they occasionally serve as medical proffessionals that can treat the wounds of those attacked by undead. Many non-aasimar races that serve as doctors have often been afflicted by infectious diseases spread by the undead. Some groups of doctors rely on their Aasimar nurses, and from these advantages Aasimar are highly requested in the many fields that they naturally excel in.

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