Ọlọrun (Oh-lo-run)


  Ọlọrun is the ruler of (or in) the Heavens in the Ruvang religion. As the Supreme God or Supreme Being, Olorun is also called Olodumare. Humans do not worship Olorun directly; there are no sacred areas of worship, no iconography, nor ordained person. Olorun is outlying, distant, and does not partake in human rituals. There are no shrines or sacrifices dedicated directly to them, although followers can send prayers in their direction. Olorun has no gender in the literal sense, and is always referred to as an entity who exists in spiritual form only. Olodumare is the origin of virtue and mortality, and bestows the knowledge of things upon all persons when they are born. They are omnipotent, transcendent, unique, all knowing, good, and evil. Mortals may sometimes call on Olodumare when other deities (orishas) seem unwilling or incapable to help. These orisa are supernatural beings, both good (egungun) and bad (ajogun), who represent human activity and natural forces. Most believe Olodumare created all other forces of the universe, even the Orisa, to help continue the evolution of the universe.
Divine Classification
Rank 24 Overgod
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Overgod" or "Creator of All"