Abbas yn Akkabar el Quaahl (Wizard 15)

Sultan of the Quill Ward

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the syl-pasha was still learning the earliest intrigues in the court, Abbas el Quaahl served as his scribe. The quiet exterior of this small, gaunt Calishite man with a tightly trimmed beard and moustache hides one of the most utterly ruthless souls ever to walk the Pasha's lands. Some oath in the past ties the vizar with the syl-pasha, and both are incapable of doing harm or misfortune to the other, but the plots they hatch as one are frightening in their reach and effect. This little man who dresses always in ivory and tan with a scarlet sash and keffiyeh has nearly as many folk living in fear of his displeasure as does the syl-pasha.   The vizar has little to do with the direct operations of Quill Ward, and he leaves it in the hands of his nervous yet competent son, Malik yn Abbas el Quaahl (NE Calishite Man, 2nd level fighter/2nd level wizard). Malik runs Quill Ward efficiently and honestly, though he has a number of projects guaranteed to bring him some notoriety and influence. His ability to forge documents without the use of magic is flawless, and he has brought a number of his father's and his own enemies down with one mere missive (to the wives or favored jhasinas of a rival sabbalad, professing loyalty to the framed foe, etc.).
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Working in the Syl-Pasha's Palace
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sultan of the Quill Ward, Vizar to the Syl-Pasha