Aldinach (All-din-nak)

Formerly the Loa of the Scorpionfolk (Girtablilu), her transformation turning the most powerful of the race into Gharros Demons, Aldinach is the demon lord of sand, thirst and scorpions. Aldinach rules over deserts and hotlands with an iron claw, consuming travelers and leading armies of her children to destroy caravans. Aldinach has few followers on Aralla, but since she is the demon lord of sand and scorpions, she has cults in all the world's deserts. Her followers prefer to congregate in the temples of abandoned cities, while in more civilized regions, they congregate underground in burrows and caves.

Divine Domains

Animal (including Insect), Chaos (including Demon), Evil (including Demon), Sun (including Thirst and Light)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Kukri   Holy Animal - Scorpion   Holy Colors - Gold, orange   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Sandy gold scorpion

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Control water sources, raid and steal treasure and slaves for your own benefit, praise and fear Aldinach   Anathema - Step outside of the desert without being granted blessing, give water to others for free, harm a scorpion
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"She of the Six Venoms" or "Queen of the Stinger"
Circumstances of Birth
Transformation by Abyssal Well