Angazhan (An-gah-zan)

Formerly the Loa of the Gorillafolk (Charau-ka), his transformation turning the most powerful of the race into Chaaor Demons, Angazhan is the demon lord of jungles, battle and tyrants. Angazhan travels the endless jungles of the continent of Malanya with his army of demon apes, but has been spotted in other jungles were species of Gorillas are found. Cults dedicated to the Ravener King on Aralla are concentrated on Malanya and far western Asora, where he is venerated by both the human tribes and the simian Charau-Ka—or apefolk—who feast on humans like livestock. Certain devotees of the Ravener King gain special powers by ingesting jungle hallucinogens, chanting, and beating a complex rhythm on drums made of human skin and bones.

Divine Domains

Animal (including Fur), Chaos (including Demon), Evil (including Demon), Plant (including Decay and Growth)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Spear or fist   Holy Animal - Ape   Holy Colors - Black, red   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Demonic ape face

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Commit acts of brutal violence, test yourself against nature, make animals more dangerous   Anathema - Cower from fights, allow yourself to be resurrected instead of reincarnated
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Ravener King" or "Demon Lord of Apes and Jungles"
Circumstances of Birth
Transformation by Abyssal Well