Apefolk (Krang)


  Deep within the heart of forests across the land, dwells the primate race known as apefolk. They call themselves the Krang, a word that holds roughly the same meaning and is derived from their own language. Their lives are simple and revolve around the protection of the forest, although they are often filled with adventurous spirit in the same way many mortal races are.   Loa's Name - Son Wukong, currently adventuring in a party of his own.  

Stats and Meta Info 

  Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Krang are exceptionally strong and athletic, but leave little time or interest for other forms of learning.   Type: Krang are humanoids with the krang subtype.   Size: Krang are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Speed: Krang have a base speed of 30 feet.   Climbing Reach: Krang use their long arms deftly to aid in climbing, granting them 10-foot natural reach whenever they are climbing.   Combat Training: Krang culture celebrates combat prowess above all else, and all krang receive a bonus Martial Weapon Proficiency feat with one martial weapon of their choice—a skill they’re expected to demonstrate at their coming of age ceremony.   Head-butt: Krang can use their massive bony skulls and stubby horns to make a gore attack that deals bludgeoning damage (1d3 for Small krang, 1d4 for Medium). This is a secondary natural weapon.   Natural Climber: Krang have a climb speed of 20 feet and gain a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.   Relentless: Krang gain a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both a krang and its opponent are standing on the ground.
120 years
Average Height
5 ft – 6 ft. 6 in
Average Weight
130 – 220 lbs