Arcana Pansophical

The Arcana Pansophical is a semi-secretive circle of many of Ekrune's most powerful arcane practitioners. They share information, maintain a self-imposed "Truth of Magic" where misuse (in their eyes) should be ended and brought to arcane justice, and generally consider themselves above the regular folk and their laws. Maintaining a "good" alignment, the Arcana Pansophical requires respect, political influence, and registration of anyone practicing on a higher level of magic within their realm.


General members are referred to as “Guides,” while the higher circle of members who deal in judgment and oversight are called “Makers.” At least one member is established at each place of arcane learning. Membership is largely kept secret unless out of necessity, though the existence of the order is relatively common knowledge. Anyone found to be practicing magic is logged and checked up on routinely, as misuse of magic is grounds for arrest, judgment by the Makers, and punishment outside of the local law. Even so, their reach and oversight are not without limits, and many dark and terrible dealings manage to go unseen by the Arcana Pansophical.


The Pansophical’s myriad rules on the use and misuse of magic are detailed at length in centuries of amendments to the full text of the Truth of Magic. The Truth’s preamble establishes three unbreakable edicts:   “In the eternal interest of the preservation of harmony within the realm of Calimshan, we, the Arcana Pansophical, establish the Truth of Magic, and three edicts from which none shall stray. Those arcanists found in gross violation of the Truth will be punished by the full extent of this order—beyond the reach of any local law.”   Though the study of Necromancy shall be restricted to none in the interest of magical understanding, the animation of the dead is a violation of the Truth.   The Arcane is a tool to be wielded for the good of law and order. To use its power in the pursuit of wanton destruction or murder is a violation of the Truth.   Though the jurisdiction of the Pansophical supersedes the power of local laws, a mage who willfully breaks the laws of the land is in violation of the Truth.

The Truth of Magic will be preserved.

Founding Date
315 AC
Secret, Brotherhood