Asoran Elephantfolk - Alternate Racial Traits

Replaces Stability

  Fearsome Tusks: Though usually too short to be used as a weapon, some luxo’s tusks can be fearsome in size. Such luxo are more likely to charge an enemy in lieu of waiting for them to attack. A luxo with this trait gains a gore attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage.  

Replaces Mountaineer

  Nimble Trunk: Some luxo have incredibly long trunks capable of grabbing and holding items and foes. Though they tend to be more prone to altitude sickness than the rest of their kind. luxo with this trait gain a prehensile trunk, which can grab stowed items. While you cannot wield weapons with your trunk, you can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action. They also gain a +5 circumstance bonus when grappling to their CMB. This ability  (Ex).