Baphomet (Bah-fo-met)

Formerly the Loa of the Bullfolk (Minotaur), his transformation driving the race to insanity, Baphomet is the Demon Lord of mazes, secret societies, sailing, and labyrinths. Baphomet often sails the waves of the world with his fleet of demon manned warships, as he has been in whole rejected by the majority of the Minotaur societies that currently exist. The Horned King of the Sea resides mostly in the Ivory Labyrinth, a demiplane whose entrance is located at a hidden marble island somewhere in the ocean. Of course, his worshippers are mostly Minotaurs. Increasingly, he is also venerated by humans, especially in rural coastal areas where his secretive cults draw followers from those who rely on the sea. In more urban areas, his cults are organized into secret societies along family lines, which have existed for generations, and whose members refer to themselves as Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth.

Divine Domains

Animal (including Fur), Chaos (including Demon), Evil (including Demon), Strength (including Ferocity and Resolve), Water (including Oceans)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Glaive   Holy Animal - Aurochs   Holy Colors - Gold, red   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Brass minotaur head

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Confuse paths and roads, outwit enemies instead of overpowering them, walk labyrinths   Anathema - Kill those who cannot do serious harm to you, bargain with Babylon
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Destroyed Permanently
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Horned King of the Sea", "Lord of the Labyrinth", or "Lord of the Minotaurs"
Circumstances of Birth
Transformation by Abyssal Well