

  Bat folk are humanoid, with black and leathery skin, though they also have short brown fur covering much of their body, except their hands, feet, and face. They have large, batlike ears, black eyes, and leathery wings that stretch under their arms to their torso, from their wrists to their waist. Bat folk communities tend to form inside caves near surface access. These matriarchal collectives practice communal living, with a complex network of overlapping social relations among them. Indeed, bat folk are able to form relationships and communities with virtually anyone, and in huge numbers, yet often keep track of every detail of their social interactions and standing. Bat folk cultures often practice a religion of cyclical life and death worship, celebrating the passing of day into night and life into death.   Loa's Name Sazama Miyako, a member of the Yin clan of Minkai  

Stats and Meta Info

  -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom: Batfolk are not strong, but very dexterous, perceptive, and wise.   Type: Batfolk are humanoids with the batfolk subtype.   Medium: Batfolk get no special bonuses for being medium creatures.   Batfolk base land speed is 30 feet: fly 60 feet (good maneuverability).   Amazing Hearing: +4 racial bonus on perception checks, but only for hearing.   Impeded Sight/Echolocation: Batfolk have skilled eyes for darkness, but light overwhelms them. When exposed to bright light, or natural sunlight after dawn and before dusk without cover from tree canopies or similar structures, batfolk are blinded for 1 round, and then they remain dazzled as they adjust until the light is no longer shining on them. In normal light, batfolk are dazzled for 1d4 rounds as their eyes adjust to the light. When in dim light, batfolk are considered to have low light vision, as well as 360 feet of darkvision beyond that. In complete darkness, or lack of any light, batfolk recieve 60 feet of darkvision. In complete darkness batfolk can use echolocation, making a loud screeching sound as a free action to maintain a blindsight of 90 feet.
70 years
Average Height
5'2" to 6'1"
Average Weight
100 to 230 pounds