Beaverfolk (Castorians)


  Beaverfolk, usually called Castorians, forge their existence as an industrious and closely-knit beastfolk race, most often dwelling in tribal settings. Distinguished by their beaver-like characteristics, they possess sturdy bodies, webbed hands, and iconic flat tails. The heart of Beaverfolk culture lies in their expertise in crafting elaborate lodges, intricate dam systems, and interconnected burrows that dot the lush riverine landscapes they call home. These meticulous builders live in familial units within their lodges, each member having a defined role, from builders and engineers to foragers and caregivers. Their reverence for the natural world and ancestral spirits is woven into the fabric of their lives, and they hold a profound respect for the rivers and forests that envelop them. Beaverfolk's remarkable craftsmanship and engineering talents are renowned, with their ingenious dam constructions, expertly fashioned from wood, mud, and stone, often garnering admiration. Their deep connection to their environment enables them to navigate waterways, procure sustenance, and safeguard their communal homes with dexterity and precision. Though Beaverfolk society is known for its harmony and resourcefulness, it faces trials such as habitat disruption and competition with other races seeking to exploit the productivity of their waterways and forested domains, thereby posing challenges that test the delicate equilibrium between progress and preservation that defines their way of life.   Loa Location - Unknown  

Stats and Meta Info

    Ability Score Modifiers - +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Castorians are hardy and renowned builders, but they can sometimes be perceived as standoffish or blunt.
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20 ft.; Swim 30 ft.
Natural Swimmer: Castorians have a swim speed of 30 ft. and can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before they risk drowning.
Builder’s Instinct: Castorians receive a +2 racial bonus on Craft (woodworking) and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are natural builders, particularly when it comes to dam and lodge construction.
Natural Hide: Castorians get a +1 bonus to natural armor.
Powerful Bite: Castorians have a bite attack that deals 1d4 damage. Their sharp incisors can also be used to gnaw through wooden objects with ease.
Wood Master: Castorians can cast Shillelagh once a day, Wood Shape once a day at Level 5, and Passwall once a week at level 7 (This spell can only affect wood), using their HD as the Caster Level.
120 years