

  Among Aralla's tallest humans, the Bedine boast dark skin, sharp cheekbones, broad shoulders, and premature bright white hair. They normally favour colorful clothes that are practical and beautiful regardless of how far from Sothis they live. Men often wear long robes, kilts, pointed hats, or sashes, while women can be seen dressed in billowing blouses, decorative scarves and wraps. Many Bedine in far-off lands try to incorporate traditional clothing into their outfits. These nomadic wanderers are the only human inhabitants of the Parched Wastes outside of the Sothisians (not technically a seperate ethnicity, just a term for Bedine peoples who have settled near the Great Rivers).  


  The Bedine are renowned as a friendly and helpful people whose culture is based around small, familial clans that generally consist of 15-20 families. These clans form the basic unit of Bedine society, unlike other cultures which tend to be built around the family. The Bedine are wise people who look deep into the past for answers to present troubles. Their sense of history gives them a unique perspective on the ebb and flow of power in the political landscape of the modern world. They are famed for their hospitality to desert travelers, but outsiders who abuse their trust face exile in the deep desert or death. Their cultural laws are extensive but unwritten, passed down orally. The Bedine focus a large portion of their oral knowledge on the many oases of the Parched Wastes.
Encompassed species