Bhim Buldahr


The rocky hills of Bhim Buldhar dominate southern Calimshan, creating a rugged and picturesque landscape. The hills themselves are quite diverse in terrian, including dense forests and fertile valleys. At the heart of the region lies like Lake Eldorin, a large lake of crystal clear waters teeming with life, its shores are dotted with small villages and several large islands dot the lake itself. The lifeline of the region is the Karun River, serving as a lifeline not just for the inhabitants but also for the marine life.


The region experiences a mild climate overall, with mild temperature ranges all through the year. Summers in the hills tend to be warm and winters are cool, depending mostly on the elevation in the area. Precipitation patterns can vary in the region, but most of the rain occurs during the fall and winter. The elevated regions are more likely to receive increased rain. In the valleys, the moderate temperatures and fertile land can lead to plenty of great farmland aboveground.

Fauna & Flora

In the hills and caves, common fauna could include foxes, hares, badgers, and crested stags. Unique flora, like the Hillberry Bushes that the native Hill Dwarves use to brew wine and beer, dot the landscape alongside Earthroot Herb, a tough and bitter root that is often used as an ingredient in Stoneskin potions.


Bhim Buldhar was formerly a minor Hill Dwarven kingdom with centuries of trade and cultural exchange with Calimshan. Crumbling by the Age of Rebuilding, the royal council of the nation agreed to be diplomatically annexed by Calimshan, and since then, cultural exchange and trade has exploded and the nation has thrived as a Calishite subject.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   The capital of the region and namesake, Bhim Buldhar is a grand and bustling metropolis under the hills in the center of the region.   Along the coast of Lake Eldorin, the city of Zazesspur is a major trade and fishing city in the region. The city is characterized by its blend of building styles, a strange fusion of dwarven and Calishite style.   The city of Farayadh is a Calishite city coexisting with the neighboring dwarven cultures. It lies in the western face of a large cliff face where rugged terrain gradually transitions into plain valleys of cityscape.   In the plains between the rocky hills and the beginning of The Whispering Expanse, Arikhapur was a city settled very early on by Calimshan to facilitate trade with the dwarves in the area and the tribes of the Whispering Expanse.   Recently created only about a year ago, the fortress city of Bladegarden stands as a buffer to Kymosian expansion in the south. The city is mainly a fortress, but has a small trade and civilian population.    Atop a sun-kissed hill in the eastern part of the hilly region is a shrine dedicated to the stars and the sun, the Shrine of the Sunseeker is an ancient druidic shrine associated with light, warmth, and purity. Pilgrims and travelers often travel there to seek blessings and guidance.   Across the Karun River stands the Golden Bridge, a marvel of dwarven engineering that survived the Calamity. This magnificent stone bridge is adorned with carvings and enchanted runes, granting it near invulnerability to the elements and damage as well as a golden glow at night.
Rolling Hills
Location under
Owning Organization