Bullfolk (Minotaur)


  The bull-folk have many of the same characteristics as the bulls they resemble. Both genders have horned heads covered with shaggy hair. Other methods of decoration include brands, ritual scars, and gilding or carving their horns. Their society is based on the sea and on trade. Traditionally, minotaur society operates under the rule of a council of eight leaders. In decision making, four of these leaders represent their people’s opinions and requests, while the other four act in what is believed to be the common interest of the race as a whole. A majority in any situation is required to pass decisions brought before them. Traditionally, minotaur society operates under the rule of a council of eight leaders. In decision making, four of these leaders represent their people’s opinions and requests, while the other four act in what is believed to be the common interest of the race as a whole. More brutish tribes of minotaurs do exist and follow their Loa turned demon lord’s brutal instructions, although many such tribes have been pushed out of their territories by progress, or captured to be used as guards for mazes and other dungeon locales.   Loa’s Name - Baphomet, transformed into a Demon Lord by the Abyssal Well. Said to be located in The Great Labyrinth in the Pacjour Sea.

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Score: +4 Strength, -2 Dexerity, -2 Intelligence   Speed: 30 ft land   Large: Minotaurs are large sized.   Darkvision: Minotaurs have darkvision allowing them to see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.   Natural Cunning: Although minotaurs are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells and prevents them from ever becoming lost. Minotaurs are never caught flat-footed.   Fierce Understanding: Minotaurs are sharp-eyed survivors and gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Profession (sailor), and Survival checks. Survival is always a class skill for a minotaur.   Horns: All minotaurs have a natural attack to gore with their horns for 1d6, even if otherwise unarmed.
120 years
Average Height
6'4" to 7'6"
Average Weight
240 to 300 pounds