Church of Avroreen


Rank 0: Novices of Arvoreen are known as Shieldbearers. Rank 1: Full priests of the Defender are known as Arvoreen's Marshal or Warder Rank 2: Guardian or Truesword Rank 3: Defender or Protector Rank 4: Magistrate or Sheriff Rank 5: Marshal Rank 6: High Marshal Rank 7: High-ranking priests have unique individual titles such as High Marshal of the Banner Raised Anew

Public Agenda

Arvoreen's priests are the protectors and defenders of halfling communities. They spend their days constructing defensive barriers, signaling systems, beacons, and traps, and reviewing defenses already in place. Priests of the Defender regularly patrol their communities, always investigating the slightest hint of a threat. Many priests organize the local militia, procure weapons for volunteers, and train every able-bodied halfling in the use of weapons and other defense strategies or at least in how to best seek safety. Many of Arvoreen's Marshals regularly adventure to gain magical weapons and defensive items of all kinds.


Clerics of the Wary Sword pray for spells at dawn, usually before patrolling the enclave’s perimeter in search of nighttime enemy incursions.

Keep the community's burrows secure, and always be prepared for threats and attacks.

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
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