Church of Babylon


The church of Babylon believed in subservience and submission within their hierarchy, with junior members bowing or kneeling. Superior members were to be followed and obeyed at all times. In the church, the hierarchy of titles were as follows:   High Imperceptor: Serving as the apex in the hierarchy of Babylon's church, this leader was the supreme servant of the Black Lord.   Deep Mystery: A general rank for the higher-tier clergy members including (in descending order) High Inquisitor, Grand Bloodletter, Dark Imperceptor, Imperceptor, Lord/Lady of the Hand, Lord/Lady of Mysteries and Vigilator.   Dreadmaster: A title granted to certain priests of Babylon that mostly kept low-level positions within the church.   Lower tiered ranks within the church of Babylon were:   Higher Doom • Dark Doom • Masked Death • Vigilant Talon • Striking Hand • Black Fang • Hooded Menace • Trusted Servant • Deadly Adept • Watchful brother/sister


Babylon's authority and divinity were revered above all else. According to his priests, Babylon was to be feared by his faithful and even more feared by the unfaithful. It was the duty of every member of the church of Babylon to "spread (his) fear".

Public Agenda

Babylonian priests took great pride in their ability to control their actions and avoid succumbing to emotional outbursts. Their outward demeanor was cold and thoughtful, they thought carefully before they spoke, often preferring sarcasm and "witty banter" rather than overt hostility. The overarching goal of Babylon's clergy was the charge of seizing or manipulating their way into power, legally or otherwise, in every nation, city-state or freehold in all Aralla, to bring them under his influence. Using emotionally manipulative tools such as fear, hatred or greed to sow conflict, war and chaos would allow the Black Hand to maintain control over lands too distressed to maintain stability. To this end, priests and followers were encouraged to commit acts such as torture, political infiltration or inciting mayhem with subtlety, cruelty and overall, fear.


Clerics of Babylon pray for spells at midnight.

Merciless lord of the Fortress, keeper of all things bound in oaths, master of all you encounter, Babylon, I call on your dread name!

Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members