Church of Rillifane


Novices of Rillifane were known as Acorns. Full priests known as Oakhearts. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by priests of the Leaflord were Felsul, Silverbark, Laspar, Hiexal, Blueleaf, Phandar, Duskwood, Shadowtop and Weirwood. High-ranking priests had individual titles, while druids also had a title which reflects their position within that branch of the faith. Certain kinds of druids who have elected to follow a particular path of Rillifane are known as Skinwalkers.

Public Agenda

Rillifane’s clerics are deadly enemies of those who hunt for sport or those who harm trees maliciously or unnecessarily. In particular, all clerics of Rillifane have a great hatred for the clerics of Malar, since the followers of the Beastlord often make elves the object of their hunts and their ethos is anathema to those who serve the Leaflord. Rillifane’s clergy is charged with rooting out and destroying sentient plants whose nature has been twisted by external forces into a warped perversion of nature.


Clerics and druids of Rillifane pray for their spells at dawn, when the first rays of the life-giving sun spring over the horizon.

Stand strong and firm like the Oak, and keep yourself enshrouded in leaves.

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members