Crocfolk (Hikaria)


  These crocodilians are humanoid crocodiles that lurk in swamplands. Their tendency to fight can be reflected by their physical appearance. They have a reptilian layer of scales that cover their bodies and a large snout which conceals rows of dangerously sharp teeth. Crocodilians live in swampy villages and prefer to be left alone. While they may seem large and fierce, they have a soft side to them that takes years of trust to appear. When they're around those that they have known for a long time, they are rather gentle creatures and care dearly for their allies. Because of their physical appearance, they are oftentimes mistaken as overly-muscular lizardfolk. Crocodilians take pride in their race and will take great offense to those mistaking them as lizardfolk.   Loa’s Name - Tursir, location unknown. (Barbarian)  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Score: +4 Strength, -2 Dexerity, -2 Intelligence   Speed: 30 ft land, 30ft swim   Natural Armor: Hirkra have rough scaly skin, granting them a +1 natural armor bonus. (2 RP)   Swim: Hirkra have a swim speed of 30 feet and thus gain a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks (1 RP)   Natural Attacks: Bite (1 RP) Hirkra gain a natural bite attack, dealing damage equivalent to that of a creature one size bigger than they are (1d6).   Darkvision 60 Feet (2 RP)   Hold Breath (1 RP): Benefit: Members of this race can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.   Ferocity: Crocfolk possess the ferocity ability which allows them to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. Crocfolk are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal.
Less than a century
Average Height
6'5 to 7'8"
Average Weight
280 and 340 pounds