Cult of Chauntea


People of all races joined the church, and a vast majority of them were females. They were united in their profound love for the land, the balance of nature, and the beauty of plants. Most were gardeners or farmers by trade, an well-versed in the ways of herbalism and agriculture. Clerics usually tended to the faithful in civilized areas, such as towns and cities, while druids handled more rural areas. In some places, priestesses of Chauntea were also mistaken for witches by the local community. The Chauntean faith was highly individualistic, and as such recognized no central authority. Hierarchy was based on wisdom and length of service, favoring the individuals with a higher understanding of nature and its cycles.    Titles (in ascending order of rank) Close One • Watchful Brother / Sister of the Earth • Trueseed • Harvestmaster / Harvestmistress • High Harvestmaster / High Harvestmistress • Onum


Faithfuls believed that the power of Chauntea was as old as the world itself. They saw her as one that gave life to natural creatures and plants, and that gifted humanoid races with the secrets of agriculture. Land owners and farmers hit with unproductive harvests visited her clerics for divine suggestions. If at any time plague or drought struck the crops, farmers looked to the goddess, since they hoped she would save the harvest due to her love of nature.

Public Agenda

Research   Priests of the faith had a mission to learn as much as possible about plants,including topics such as horticulture, plant types and diseases, and general folk knowledge regarding flora. Some Nurturers would also study monsters, while others would focus on details of the natural order of things such as erosion, water currents or wind patterns.   Teaching   Members of the clergy shared their knowledge with clergymen and laypeople alike. They encouraged civilized folks to enrich the land using methods such as replanting, composting, and irrigation. In addition to planting, priests instructed their flock on the identification of plants, and of disease impacting the flora and fauna.   Agriculture   On their travels members of the church planted trees, removed weeds hampering crops, prepared the land to receive crops, and used spells to drive away predators. They burned diseased plants as well as the corpse of plague-ridden animals in order to prevent contamination, and were always watching such blazes extremely carefully.


Chauntea’s clerics and druids pray for spells at sundown.

The Earthmother is everything, and her health is our health. She feeds us, clothes us, waters us, and shelters us. No god is greater than her, though many are noisier. No god is more forgiving, more nurturing, or more essential. Truly, Chauntea is All.

Notable Members