Cult of Khaine


His followers consisted of drow men and were-spiders. Among the drow, as mentioned before, Khaine was practically forgotten, and his faith was essentially part of Lolth's church armed wing. His followers in his main centers of worship weren't even allowed to worship him as a god on his own (rather than Lolth's servant), as the church of Lolth persecuted anyone who did as a heretic. As a general rule, Khainites trained in martial combat. Practicing Khaine's beliefs was somewhat of a career-killer in drow society, for these beliefs didn't put any meaningful emphasis on the intellectual part of combat (like strategy), and thus followers of Khaine were rarely put into commanding positions. The drow branch had a gender ratio of about 10:1 in favor of male drow.

These spells are but the first of my gifts. With them you can swear to Lolth… yet maintain first loyalty to me.

Religious, Cult