Cult of Lolth


The church was heavily dominated by female drows, as only females could become priestesses in their society. They were also seen as social leaders, rulers, and highly ranked members of drow society and due to their authority, could punish those whom they wished in her name. Drow matriarchs would often work alongside the church to gain power and influence.


Lolth drove her worshipers into heavy infighting under the pretense of culling the weak, while her actual goals were to hold absolute control over the dark elves, prevent the rise of alternative faiths or ideas, and avoid complacency (even though she found amusement in the strife that plagued her followers' communities). However, in the long run, her influence proved to be an obstacle to the growth and success of her drow followers, preventing them from unifying against common enemies or for a common cause. Any attempt by the drow to emulate Lolth was doomed to fail, for unlike other humanoids, their arachnid deity was without their form or psychology. They were ashamed that they could not fully live up to her demands, and in truth, the Spider Queen was one they could never truly please. Any boon she granted to them was only in service to escalating conflict and causing further strife, and in the end, she cared nothing for them.

Great Goddess, Mother of the Dark, grant me the blood of my enemies for drink and their living hearts for meat. Grant me the screams of their young for song, grant me the helplessness of their males for my satisfaction.

Religious, Cult