Cult of Melora


Sites dedicated to Melora are simple affairs, even in more civilized locations; shrines are usually nothing more than a wooden building or house serving communities of her faithful. Just as the Deadeye emphasizes the simple things in life, her shrines focus on providing for his follower's more practical needs. Ceremony and formality are often abandoned in such locations, which instead act simply as a place to pray, or to sleep.

Public Agenda

The faithful of Melora can be found in nearly every wilderness community. They usually choose to live simple lives and practice her teachings away from the complications of more advanced societies. The faithful often hang depictions of the god over their fireplace. The members of the Deadeye's clergy are active in their respective communities, leading by example and serving in various capacities as needed by those that live around them. This can include helping in childbirth, building structures, overseeing fair trade, and blessing crops. The clergy's formal dress is kept simple to reflect their deity's tastes: a simple cloak of fur or leather, usually accompanied by Melora's holy symbol burned into the hide or worn as part of a wooden clasp.

Wildness survival and family.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members