Cult of Moldros


Orcs were a naturally chaotic race, acting based on instincts and emotions. When orcs proved themselves through feats of ferocity and acts of strength, Moldros would directly touch orcs with his will and might, for they were considered worthy of being true followers.


Orc society was based on the ideals of skill, struggle, and survival. These principles were founded in the veneration of Moldros and taught to young orcs through cruel experience. His clergy related orcish legend down through the generations, spreading his faith through intimidation, inspiration, and fearful shouting. Moldrosan orcs believed that their race had a sacred destiny, to culturally dominate all other beings and rule the world, and that every orc was to contribute to this goal via increasing their own personal strength. This goal has been brushed by the wayside in Sea Orc society, to the sadness of Moldros.

The gaze of the One-Eye brings madness to many an orc.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members