Cult of Shargaas


Shargaas was worshiped as the patron of orcish bandits and thieves, and any among their kind that did their wicked work under the cover of darkness. Formally joining the cult of Shargaas demanded sufficient levels of dexterity and a purely evil alignment. Pickpocketing, hiding in the darkness, and assassination were skills that every follower needed to learn.


Much like with Moldros and Bahgtru, the cultists of the Night Lord were sometimes called upon by orc chieftans to perform specific tasks when faced with foes that could withstand direct assaults. They acted as scouts and spies for orcish armies, though only under the cover of darkness, and worked on the margins of enemy forces to eliminate watchmen and prevent defense forces from mustering. In particular though, the cultists were sent to assassinate an enemy leader, kidnap an important individual as a hostage or swipe a valuable object. The cult leader would supply aid when asked for the price of something the group prized, such as food, tools, or gold.

Public Agenda

According to the dogma of Shargaas, the darkness was cold and everlasting, but the mantle of the black night provided cover for a hidden blade. Despite being despised by most other orcs, the secret society of Shargaas was a dangerous hidden force in most tribes, for one of their mandates was, while silent and unseen, to cull the weak. Even orc chieftans were not exempt from the predations of Shargaas's followers, and the clerics of the Night Lord could strike fear into even the mightiest of them. Part of the culling of the weak included the elimination of chiefs perceived to be cowardly, weak, or ineffectual leaders, elimination being a stab in the dark. The failures of an orc warchief could be the doom of Shargaas's own followers, and so the eyes of any leader had to be watched for signs of weakness.

Be unseen and spread fear, hate all life, including your own.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members