Daud yn Daud el Vehmet (Cleric 3/ Wizard 3)

Sultan of the Khanduq Ward

Mental characteristics

Personal history

DaudĀ is among the youngest and most inexperienced of the sultans of Calimport

Intellectual Characteristics

Though young, he is a masterful manipulator and his eidetic memory allows him to cover and control all details of a deal or a revenge plot all by himself.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

He has made friends with the sultans of his adjacent wards, and that level of comfort provides him with leverage to handle any troubles that run within his sabbans that are older than he is.


Contacts & Relations

The only conflict Sultan Daud openly has involves his lack of membership in the Lyceum, since he feels the control that pasha would have over the exercise of his magical talents will diminish his effectiveness as sultan. For now, the syl-pasha turns a blind eye to the troubles, but the Lyceum wants to corral as many influential members such as Daud as possible, and the syl-pasha needs the guild's support far more than one sultan.

Religious Views

A follower of Baara, but is in no official church.
True Neutral
Current Status
Ruling in the Khanduq Ward
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sultan of the Khanduq Ward, Pasha of the Spicemonger Fellowship