Deskari (des-car-ee)

Formerly the Loa of the Locustfolk (Derakni), his transformation utterly destroying his race, turning them into horrific demons, Deskari is the Demon Lord of chasms, infestations, and locusts. Deskari currently has no territory, moving over the world like a swarm of locusts and consuming all in his path. Many of Deskari's cultists worshipped him in the hope of being rewarded when he was to rule over the world, but Deskari saw them as no more than pawns. The smart cultists that realized this, grafted demonic flesh onto themselves or sold their souls so they would become demons after death.

Divine Domains

Animal (only Insect), Chaos (including Demon), Destruction (including Catastrophe), Evil (including Demon), War (including Blood and Tactics)

Holy Books & Codes

Deskari's unholy text was One Thousand Voices in My Flesh, the first-person account of a human priest who was infested with Deskari's eggs and heard his many voices until he committed suicide.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Scythe   Holy Animal - Locust   Holy Colors - Green, red   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Bloody locust wings

Tenets of Faith

Edicts -  Consume everything in death, allow plague and insects to spread, wage war   Anathema - Exterminate locusts, cure disease, surrender
Divine Classification
Corrupted Demon Loa
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Lord of the Locust Host", "Demon Lord of Infestation and Locusts", "Usher of the Apocalypse"
Circumstances of Birth
Transformation by Abyssal Well