Duckfolk WIP (Anseri)


  Duckfolk, also called Anseri, are waterfowl-like beastfolk, with feathers that drape their bodies, wings that can unfurl from their arms, and webbed feet, harmonizing with the waterscapes they call home. Their close-knit, water-centric tribes revere the natural world and ancestral spirits, practicing sustainable living with shamanistic fervor. Exceptional swimmers and divers, they navigate their aqueous realms with skill, while their wings grant them brief gliding abilities. Their keen senses, honed social skills, and mobility serve them well, but they also face threats from mortal expansion and resource competitions in their quest to maintain the delicate balance between their communities and the natural world that surrounds them.   Loa Location - Unknown  

Stats and Meta Info

    Ability Score Modifiers - -2 Strength, +2 Dexerity, +2 Charisma
Size: Small
Base Speed: 25 ft.; Swim 30 ft.
Natural Swimmer: Duckfolk have a swim speed of 30 ft. and gain a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Flightless: While Duckfolk have wings, they are not strong enough for sustained flight. However, they can use them to glide. After jumping or falling, a Duckfolk can glide at a speed of 40 ft. (average maneuverability), descending at a minimum rate of 5 ft. for every 40 ft. moved forward.
Quack Talk: Duckfolk can communicate with waterfowl (ducks, geese, swans) as if using a Speak with Animals spell, but limited to such birds.
Social Bird: Duckfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks thanks to their persuasive quacks and amiable nature.
Duck: Once per day as an immediate action, a Duckfolk can gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against a single melee or ranged attack.
Quack Attack: Once per day, a Duckfolk can emit a loud, echoing quack. All non-duck creatures within a 20 cone must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the character's level + character's Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.
80 years