Frogfolk (Boggard)


  On average a Boggard is a few inches shorter than a human, but his muscular stature, large lower body, and thick skeleton make a weight nearing 300lbs very common. Most boggards are a shade of green, with moist, slick skin. approximatelyBoggards speak Croak, a deep, throaty language more often sung than spoken. Boggards are carnivores and live primarily on the monstrously large insects and rodents that live in the swamps of their natural habitat. While they can digest and survive on other meats, they prefer the crunch of living bugs heading down their throat as they swallow them whole. The fact that the insects occur naturally and in abundance means that the Frogfolk have never had to develop a system for producing food.  

Stats And Meta Info

  Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Boggards are hardy and strong, but tend to be savage.   Type: Boggards are Humanoids with the Amphibian subtype.   Size: Boggards are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Speed: Boggards have a base speed of 30 feet.   Child of the Water: Boggards spend their first years as aquatic creatures, and maintain much of that skill when they progress to land. Bullies have a swim speed of 30 feet.   Bone Growth: A Bully’s bones grow thicker as they mature granting them +1 Natural Armor.   Best-friend in the Head: A Boggard's Mind is so warped by their connection with Tsathogga, that it can help protect him from magic designed to compromise his mental or emotional state. Boggards receive a +2 to racial bonus to all Will saves. This bonus increases to +4 if the Will save is against a fear effect.   Jumper: Boggards are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.   Pillager: Boggards begin joining warrior groups at a very young age, and are taught by their superiors how to ransack a home to find the most valuable items. Boggards gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors).   Weapon Familiarity: Boggards are proficient in the greatsword, greataxe, and any weapon with the word “Boggard” in it’s name.   Languages: All Boggards speak Common and Croak. Boggards with a high Intelligence may also choose from the following bonus languages: Shell-dancing, Meowori, Roarish, Yipyap, and Bleat-Speak.
140 years
Average Height
5 feet to 5 foot 10 inches