Fylath Elfblades

Description and Lore

  The origins of these blades are told in songs and legends dating back to the founding of the realm of Fylath Shaeras. Like the ancient Moonblades, these blades were constructed for the ruler and the two highest lieutenants of the new unified empire. The three swords, the Rulers' Blade (the Ar'Cor'Kerym), and the two Defenders' Blades, the Warblade (the Ary'Velahr'Kerym), and the Artblade (the Ary'Faern'Kerym) were wielded by the rulers of Fylath Shaeras and used to determine who is worthy of such responsibility by the ancient ritual of Blade-rite. This is all the elven folk know of the elfblades, unless they are scholars of ancient weapons and weapon rites. Each of the blades are longswords, and are made of mithril.  



Shared Effects

  Each of the Elfblades is a +5 Longsword made of mithril. All three elfblades are intelligent weapons (Int 16) which audibly and telepathically speak elvish and have good alignments. While the blades are individually strong willed, they are not conscious entities unless drawn from their scabbards. They see their duties as serving the realm of Fylath Shaeras first and the wielder second. In order to bind to a blade, the character must perform a Blade-Rite, a ritual overseen by elven high magic, and must be overseen by a priest of every elven faith. When the wielder of an Elfblade dies, the blade is rendered inert until drawn again as part of a Blade-rite. Any non-elf (including drow) who drew the blade from it's scabbard instantly died.   Like the ritual to become an elven high mage, binding to the blade increased the elf's lifespan by a significant span. The Ruler's Sword extends life by 1d6x100 years; the Warblade brings the wielder back to his peak of life (first year of adulthood without penalties: ageboosted Int/Wis stats remain, though any stats reduced by age are restored and the Artblade reduces physical age by 1d6x100 years (no loss of Int/Wis stats, though any stats lost due to age are restored). An elf is never reduced to less than the first year of adulthood.   All elfblades have two powers, activated by command words, usable three times per day, plus one power usable at will as often as desired. Each has a core power unique to that blade with special conditions for the power. Finally, the greatest powers granted by the elfblades are the ranks that are assigned to their wielders upon successfully claiming the swords: the Coronal of Fylath Shaeras, and the leaders of its armies of warriors and wizards.  

The Ruler's Blade

  The blade appeared as if it was carved from stone from afar, though in reality it was simply mithril enchanted to look like stone. An elven crown rune was stamped just above the quillons. Golden light crackled like lightning up and down the blade, casting its light. Two black gems were bound at each end of the quillons, while a red one was on the pommel. Whoever is bound to this blade is the rightful Coronal of Fylath Shaeras.   The Ruler's Blade is a +5 Lifesurge Limning Axiomatic Longsword that is Lawful Good. It has the following properties:  
  • The wielder of the blade is always proficient with it.
  • The wielder of the blade gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative Rolls.
  • The wielder of the blade can cast Heal (CL equal to hit dice) 3 times a day.
  • The wielder of the blade can cast Discern Lies (DC 30) at will.
  • The core power of the blade is that the wielder is imbued with immense magical abilities, and counts as three wizards for the purposes of creating mythals or casting high magic spells.
Location - This blade is currently in the possession of Venali Yesharice, current Coronal.  

The Warblade

  This long sword shines like polished silver at all times, its blade perfectly reflective and glistening no matter what punishments ring down upon it. Blue and silver flames lick incessantly along the sword, quillons, pommel, and harmlessly around the elf's hands whenever drawn, Visible at the seat of the blade is an elven rune meaning weapon, which is commonly used as a sword mark. Whoever is bound to this blade has authority over all the armies of Fylath Shaeras.   The Warblade is a +5 Agile Holy Speed Longsword that is Chaotic Good. It has the following properties:  
  • The wielder of the blade is always proficient with it.
  • The wielder of the blade gains a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex Saves.
  • The wielder of the blade can cast Cat's Grace (CL equal to hit dice) 3 times a day, the bonus from this spell stacks with any other bonus.
  • The wielder of the blade can detect good and evil as if they were a Paladin of their level.
  • The core power of the blade is shown when leading armies. Any non-evil creature that falls asleep within 1 mile of the blade becomes completely immune to fear effects for 24 hours.
Location - This blade was lost during a conflict with a drow army in the central Chondalwood, and is believed to lie in the dungeons of the remains of the Shadow Tower, many elves have sought it but none have returned.  

The Artblade

  This sword appears as a long sword forged from solid darkness, the void of nonreflective blackness feeling as solid as stone yet slick as oil. When drawn, the Artblade crackles like lightning breaking across a metal shield. When swung, it emits a sharp buzzing sound similar to that of an angry bee; this sound can be muted by the will of the wielder. When struck against objects or weapons, the blade's clash is utterly silent, no matter how much strength is behind the blow. Along the razor-sharp, bevelled edge of the blade glows a crimson beam of energy that encloses the darkness, the source of the elfblade's magical light. In contrast to the dark blade is a brightly glowing, crimson elven rune embossed near the pommel that is often used to signify a thing of magic.   The Artblade is a +5 Spell Stealing Longsword that is Neutral Good. It has the following properties:
  • The wielder of the blade is always proficient with it.
  • The wielder of the blade gains a +2 bonus to AC and caster level with all spells.
  • The wielder of the blade can cast Greater Dispel Magic (CL equal to hit dice) 3 times a day.
  • The wielder of the blade can cast See Invisibility at will.
  • The core power of the blade is its connection with the spellcasting of the user. This elfblade allows its wielder to forego standard spellcasting and use the sword to do so. Spells are cast mentally through the sword and made manifest via sword slashes (somatic) and the droning buzz of the blade (verbal), with no need for any expensive material components.
Location - During the Dragon War the boy-mage Zaos Durothil, youngest known wielder of the blade, was killed by the Red Dragon Edallblaze. The blade was taken by the Imperium and it's location is unknown.
Item type
Weapon, Melee