

  Geckofolk (also known as Gekkota) societies are tightly woven, with tribes living in the shadows of towering canopies or the sun-drenched expanses of arid landscapes, where they have learned to adapt to their surroundings and thrive in communion with nature. Their culture places a strong emphasis on kinship, adaptability, and the reverence for the elements, as they utilize their affinity for the land and their nimble, climbing abilities to explore and harvest resources. Geckofolk, with their keen senses and agility, are known for their prowess in tracking, scouting, and hunting, making them effective guardians of their tribes. Their beliefs are deeply rooted in nature, and they revere the spirits of the earth, air, and water, with an oral tradition filled with stories, dances, and rituals that reinforce their bonds. While their society is known for its adaptability and resourcefulness, the Geckofolk face challenges such as competition for territory and resources, which sometimes lead to clashes with other races, as well as the need to preserve their sacred environments from encroachment and exploitation, all while seeking to strike a harmonious balance between their unique way of life and the ever-changing natural world that surrounds them.   Loa Location - Unknown  

Stats and Meta Info

    Ability Score Modifiers - +2 Strength, -2 Dexerity, +2 Charisma
Base Speed: 20 ft.; Climb 20 ft.
Size: Medium
Sticky Pads: Geckofolk have a climb speed of 20 ft. and gain a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. They can climb even on smooth or vertical surfaces without making a climb check.
Regeneration: If a Geckonfolk loses a limb or body part (excluding the head), they can grow it back in 1d4 weeks. This doesn’t restore hit points, and while the limb is regrowing, they might suffer some penalties determined by the GM (like reduced speed for a lost leg).
Wide-Eyed: Due to their large eyes, Geckonians have darkvision up to 60 feet and a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Anti-Bacterial Skin: Geckofolk have a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease.
Tail Balance: Geckofolk receive a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks made to balance, and they are not considered flat-footed when balancing or climbing as long as they have their tail.