Ghaunadaur (gone-ah-dowr)


  Adopted "Son" of Lolth, it is the patron of all things that are terrible in the underdark. Ghaunadaur is an unpredictable deity. False worshipers are sometimes rewarded by it, occasionally even with permanent magical boons, but they might just as well be devoured by the Elder Eye without a second thought. Ghaunadaur enjoys watching large horrible monsters as they hunt and devour their prey, causing much suffering.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  It is a god whose portfolio includes beholders, oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels and other monstrous underdark creatures. The church of Ghaunadaur consists of cults scattered throughout the Underdark, each dominated by a single individual. There are only a few drow and aboleth cities that serve as exceptions, with a more organized clergy. Clerics of Ghaunadaur are required to serve the Elder Eye completely and do whatever pleases it most.

Divine Domains

Animal (including Insect and Fur), Chaos (including Protean), Earth (including Caves and Radiation), Evil (including Cannibalism), Madness (including Insanity), Ruins, Scalykind (only Venom), Stength (including Competition and Ferocity), Void (including Isolation and Dark Tapestry).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Natural   Holy Animal - None   Holy Colors - Purple, Green, Black   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Purple circle with an eye in the center

Tenets of Faith

Tenets - Sacrifice lives to Ghaunadaur. Convince others to as well. Hunt and kill the weak to advance the world. Slay any other clergy, steal their temples valuables and give them to Ghaunadaur.   Anathema - Show mercy to a weak creature. Speak poorly of the Elder Eye. Fail to sacrifice regularly.  

Example Antipaladin Code

Bound by the malevolent darkness of the Underdark and the unpredictable will of Ghaunadaur, the Elder Eye, I offer myself as a vessel for his chaotic whims. With every heartbeat echoing the depths of his abyss, I solemnly proclaim:  
  • My allegiance is to Ghaunadaur alone. Though his ways are unpredictable, my faith in the Elder Eye will remain unwavering.
  • I will seek out, revere, and protect the monstrous denizens of the Underdark, relishing in their terrifying beauty and the suffering they inflict.
  • Just as Ghaunadaur delights in observing monstrous acts, so too will I find joy in the hunt, the chase, and the moment of fearful realization in the eyes of prey.
  • While my dedication to Ghaunadaur is absolute, I recognize the value in rewarding, or betraying, those who serve his interests—based solely on the Elder Eye's capricious desires.
  • I will honor and elevate the slimes, oozes, and jellies that are dear to Ghaunadaur, understanding that within their formless bodies lies a pure manifestation of his will.
  • In places where order threatens to stifle the wild spirit of the Underdark, I will sow seeds of rebellion, ensuring that Ghaunadaur's chaotic essence remains dominant.
  • Just as the Elder Eye might reward or devour, I shall do the same. Those who serve well might find favor, while traitors or even the complacent may face unspeakable fates.
  • To keep Ghaunadaur appeased, I will provide offerings—whether they be treasures, creatures, or those foolish enough to defy the depths of the Underdark.

Physical Description

Body Features

It is only drawn as an eye.
Divine Classification
Rank 17 Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"That Which Lurks" or "The Elder Eye"