Halaseliaxa (Hala-sili-axa)


  The Gold dragon aspect, created during the Calamity by the shattering of Bahamut. Halaseliaxa is the guardian of life and creation, gaining the power of creation from her father. She uses his power to both seed and protect life throughout the world, as well as bless parents with healthy clutches and children.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes gold dragonkind, life, creation, and birth. Compassionate and wise, Halaseliaxa treasures life in all its forms. She firmly believes that few beings are truly evil and that even they are not necessarily beyond redemption, for change and growth is inherent in life.

Divine Domains

Community (including Family), Fire, Good (including Archon and Redemption), Healing, Sun (including Day and Light), Scalykind (only Dragon)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Natural Weapons, Longsword   Holy Animal - Gold Drake   Holy Colors - Gold, White   Holy Mineral - Gold   Holy Symbol - Golden Flame
Divine Classification
Rank 13 Intermediate Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Gold Aspect” or “The Lifebinder”