Harefolk (Nousagi)


  Harefolk are an energetic race who thrive on social interaction. Harefolk are very quick in everything they do, both mentally and physically. They outpace any other race their size and are known to dodge most anything that attacks them. As a whole; Harefolk rely on their wits and overall friendliness. They are generally a peaceful group and avoided enslavement by Calimshan mostly through fleeing into the Cliffgan woods. Harefolk mostly live in burrows but will occasionally live in houses if the ground is frozen or otherwise difficult to penetrate   Loa’s Name - Askan, location unknown. (Monk)  

Stats and Meta Info 

  Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength   Small: Harefolk are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defence, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. (0 RP)   Fast Speed: Harefolk are incredibly fast, with a base speed of 40 feet. (1 RP)   Burrow: Harefolk have a burrow speed of 20 feet. (3 RP)   Agile: Harefolk receive a +2 racial bonus on acrobatics checks. (2 RP)   Hare’s Luck (Ex): Once per day when a Harefolk makes a Reflex saving throw, she can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. She must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted. (1 RP)   Keen Senses: Harefolk receive a +2 racial bonus on perception checks. (2 RP)   Quick Reactions: Rabbitfolk gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. (2 RP)   Stealthy: Rabbitfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on stealth checks. (2 RP)   Languages: Rabbitfolk begin plays speaking Common and Harefolk.
60 years
Average Height
(2 ft. 8 in. – 3 ft. 2 in.)
Average Weight
27 – 33 lbs