Hawkfolk (Aarakocra)


  Living in the mountainous regions of Ekrune, this race often stands as a bulwark against the evil air races and beasts, as well as clashing with the expansion of dwarvish clans. They gather in communities led by their religious leaders, as they not only venerate the green gods, but also other gods of air.   Loa’s Name - Vaati, location unknown. (Paladin)  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, −2 Constitution   Normal Speed: Aarakocra have a normal base land speed of 20 feet. They also have a flying speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability.   Automatic Languages: Aarakocra begin play speaking Common and Auran. Instead of forming their own language, Aarakocra have a unique dialect of Auran   Bowtrained: Aarakocra fighters are trained at birth to use ranged weapons, resulting in them being proficient with bow-like ranged weapons.   Aerial Prowess: Aarakocra receive a +2 racial bonus on Fly checks. Fly is always a class skill for an aarakocra.   Keen Sight: Aarakocra receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks that involve sight.   Natural Weapon: Aarakocra possess a talon natural attack that inflicts 1d4 points of damage on a hit. This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the aarakocra wields a manufactured weapon.   Claustrophobia: Aarakocra are not used to living in enclosed spaces as many other races do. Because of this, aarakocra go into a panic when kept in an enclosed space for too long. Aarakocra receive a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks while underground or in an enclosed space that is 100 square feet (10 ft. x 10 ft.) in area or smaller.   Hollow Bones: Birdfolk lose their flight speed in medium and heavy armor. This can be mitigated by any ability that allows them to move at full speed in medium armor, allowing them to fly in medium armor.
150 years
Average Height
5'10" to 6'8" feet
Average Weight
100 to 140 pounds