Heronfolk (Ardei)


  Native to the many wetlands and river shores of southern Chondath, the Heronfolk, in general, get along very well with humans, another species with great variation and a love of art and music, and those who live in urban, human-dominated areas find passable niches as quickly as possible. In their natural habitats, they form stilted villages and subsistence fish to survive, coming into conflict with the harsher inhabitants of the swamps only in self defense as they are very physically delicate.   Loa’s Name - Kunda, location unknown. (Cleric)  

Stats and Meta Info

  Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Wisdom, -2 Con   Fly: Ardei have a land speed of 30 ft and have a fly speed of 30 ft. (clumsy maneuverability) (4 RP)   Natural Weapons: An Ardei has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.   Hollow Bones: Birdfolk lose their flight speed in medium and heavy armor. This can be mitigated by any ability that allows them to move at full speed in medium armor, allowing them to fly in medium armor.   Keen Sight: Ardei receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks that involve sight.   Speak with Avians (0 RP): Ardei can speak with all birds of the animal creature type and birdlike magical beasts (like phoenixes and thunderbirds).   Feather Magic: Ardei can cast feather fall once per day with a CL = Their Level, as a spell-like ability.
140 years
Average Height
5'5" to 6'2"
Average Weight
100 to 140 pounds