Jì Shù Méng (技术盟 “Technology League”)


The Jì Shù Méng is a post-calamity techno-religious military order with chapters operating across the territory of the former empire of Shou Lang. At first, the Jì Shù Méng focused on aiding survivors to the best of its ability, acting as an armed fighting force, rather than the military order it would become. The change came with the realization that the collective knowledge of humanity was in danger of being lost for generations to come. To keep the secrets of the past alive, they decided to dedicate the Jì Shù Méng to the preservation of technology and human knowledge, collecting it in order that the Jì Shù Méng might become the catalyst for humanity's rebirth. As the guardians of civilization, the Jì Shù Méng would focus on the big picture, with direct aid considered a secondary concern.


Holy Weapon - Longsword, or Pre-Calamity Weapon   Holy Animal - Eagle   Holy Colors - Grey and White   Holy Mineral - Steel   Holy Symbol - Cogs and Eagles   Domains - Artifice (including Construct and Industry), Community (including Family and Education), Glory, Knowledge (including Education), Protection (including Defense, Fortifications, Purity, and Solitude), Ruins, Preservation, Creation   Realm - None


At the foundation of the hierarchy lies the Chain That Binds doctrine. It mandates obedience to one's superiors and forbids circumventing ranks when giving orders. Superiors may only give orders to their direct subordinates, but not their subordinate's subordinates. Although intended to ensure the cohesion of command, the doctrine has been generally interpreted as a simple mandate of obedience within the order, with the order flow requirements ignored, abandoned, or altered in practice. However, it does provide a technicality that can be invoked to relieve members of their rank - up to and including elders.
Religious, Holy Order